Welcome To

microwave Engineering Lab​

Tezpur University

25+ Years of Research Excellence in Microwave Engineering

The Microwave Engineering Lab at Tezpur University has been conducting innovative research in areas of advanced antenna designs, engineered substrates, and electromagnetic shielding technologies for wireless communication and defense applications. It has also successfully completed projects in diverse areas ranging from healthcare sensing devices to agro-tech solutions.

The research group is headed by Prof. Nidhi S. Bhattacharyya and co-advised by Prof. Satyajib Bhattacharyya.


Articles Published
Patents filed
Projects Completed
PhDs Awarded

Highlighted Research

Wearable Antenna

Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna

EMI Shielding Materials

Wearable Antenna

UAV based Tea Pest Detection System

Glucose Sensor Component

EMI Shielding