Major Research Facilities

Vector Network Analyzer
Agilent E8362C (10 MHz to 20 GHz)

Vector Network Analyzer
Anritsu MS46322B-043 (1 MHz to 43.5 GHz)

Spectrum Analyzer
Anritsu MS2719B (9 KHz to 20 GHz)

Vector Signal Generator
Aaronia AG VSG240X (75 MHz to 6 GHz)

Analog Signal Generator
Agilent MXG N5183A (100 KHz to 20 GHz)

Spectrum Analyzer
Aaronia AG HF-80200 V5 (9kHz to 20GHz)

Power Meter
Agilent E4418B (DC to 26.5 GHz; -70 dBm to +44 dBm) (sensor dependent)

Power Sensor
Agilent N8481B (10 MHz to 18 GHz, -5 dBm to +44 dBm)

Log Periodic Antenna
Aaronia AG Hyper Log 60250 (680 MHz to 25 GHz) (4 units)

Broadband Horn Antenna
Aaronia AG Power Log 40400 (4 to 40 GHz)

Antenna Measurement Setup
Diamond Engineering (0.5 to 18 GHz)

Exposure Acquisition System

Digital Storage Oscilloscope
Agilent- DSO-X-2022A (200 MHz, 2 analog channels, 100 kpts memory, 200,000 waveforms/sec update rate)

OTA Human Phantom
SPEAG POPEYE10 Head, Chest, Abdomen, Posable arms (4.0 MHz to <3.0 GHz), Hands SHO-V3RLAP/LLAP (0.3 to 3 GHz)

Advanced Flexible Microwave Synthesis Platform
Milestone flexiWAVE (High-Pressure, High Temperature, Solid-Phase)

Mortar Grinder
Retsch RM 200 (Material feed size <8 mm, Final fineness <10 µm, Speed 100 per min)

Centrifugal Mill
Retsch ZM 200 (Material feed size <10 mm, Final fineness <40 µm, RPM 6,000 to 18,000)

Automated Hydraulic Press
JRD Rubber & Plastic Technology Pvt. Ltd. (150 Tonne)

Muffle Furnace
Nüve MF 207
(Maximum Temperature 1200⁰C)

Hot Air Oven
(Maximum Temperature 250⁰C)

CNC, 3D-printing, Laser Engraving All for One Machine
BoXZY (Volume 165 x 165 x 165 mm3, Resolution 200 to 100 Micron)