

Project TitleFunding AgencyBudget (₹ in Lakhs)Status
Early detection of pest on tea plantation through Multispectral Imaging from Unmanned Aerial VehicleMeitY, Govt. of India195.12Completed (2024)
Miniaturized flexible planar antennas for body worn applications as health
monitoring systems in L and S band (ISM band) using nano magneto-dielectric composite as substrate.
DST, Govt. of India86.96Completed (2020)
Design and realization of light weight shields to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI) at microwave ranges (C and X bands) with different geometries for customised applications.MeitY, Govt. of India216.40Completed (2020)
Studies of ferromagnetic resonance in spinel ferrite and garnets for high power circulators.BRNS-DAE, Govt. of India32.37Completed (2018)
Microwave technology based tea processing systems for NE states.SAMEER, MeitY, Govt. of India55.20Completed (2018)
Studies of Spin-Wave instability in Ferrites for High Power Circulators.BRNS-DAE, Govt. of India32.37Completed (2017)
Synthesis and development of broadband EMI shielding materials using magneto-dielectric nanoparticles.DIT, Govt. of India86.97Completed (2013)
Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna on profiled thickness polymer substrates for bandwidth enhancement.AICTE, Govt. of India17.25Completed (2011)