Project Title | Funding Agency | Budget (₹ in Lakhs) | Status |
Early detection of pest on tea plantation through Multispectral Imaging from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle | MeitY, Govt. of India | 195.12 | Completed (2024) |
Miniaturized flexible planar antennas for body worn applications as health monitoring systems in L and S band (ISM band) using nano magneto-dielectric composite as substrate. | DST, Govt. of India | 86.96 | Completed (2020) |
Design and realization of light weight shields to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI) at microwave ranges (C and X bands) with different geometries for customised applications. | MeitY, Govt. of India | 216.40 | Completed (2020) |
Studies of ferromagnetic resonance in spinel ferrite and garnets for high power circulators. | BRNS-DAE, Govt. of India | 32.37 | Completed (2018) |
Microwave technology based tea processing systems for NE states. | SAMEER, MeitY, Govt. of India | 55.20 | Completed (2018) |
Studies of Spin-Wave instability in Ferrites for High Power Circulators. | BRNS-DAE, Govt. of India | 32.37 | Completed (2017) |
Synthesis and development of broadband EMI shielding materials using magneto-dielectric nanoparticles. | DIT, Govt. of India | 86.97 | Completed (2013) |
Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna on profiled thickness polymer substrates for bandwidth enhancement. | AICTE, Govt. of India | 17.25 | Completed (2011) |